24 November 2022

Book presentations of PASHA Life and İRS Publishing House in Ankara

On November 21-23, at Ankara University, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University and the National Library of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, books "Salam, Azerbaijan!" and "Black Book of Karabakh" created within the framework of the joint cooperation of PASHA Life and IRS Publishing House were presented in Turkish language.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Turkey Rashad Mammadov, PASHA Life CEO Niyaz Ismayilov, Chief Editor of IRS Publishing House Musa Marjanli spoke at the solemn events. Representatives of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Ankara, prominent intellectuals, influential officials, university rectors, professors, teachers and students and other guests also visited the event.

Also, a large number of books about Azerbaijan were donated to the National Library of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey.

It should be noted that the "Black Book of Karabakh" talks about the damage caused to the nature, living stock, properties, historical monuments, and cultural samples of Karabakh, which is an inseparable part of Azerbaijan, as a result of the occupation by Armenia. Book "Salam, Azerbaijan!" is dedicated to the general history and culture of Azerbaijan. The mentioned books were created within the framework of the "Heritage" series project jointly implemented by "PASHA Life Insurance" OJSC and "IRS Publishing House" since 2013.