
"PASHA Holding" LLC is the sole shareholder of "PASHA Life Insurance" OJSC

Rights of the Shareholder:
* Participating in the management of "PASHA Life Insurance" OJSC as determined by the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, other legislative acts, and the Charter of the Company, managing the Company and possessing a right to elect and be elected to the executive bodies
* Getting reports on the activities of the Company, reviewing its annual report and accounting balance once a year in accordance with the procedure established by the Charter and respective legislation
* Calling for convening of the General Meeting of Shareholders
* Requesting changes in the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders
* Initiating inspection of the company's activities by the relevant Committee or auditor
* Receiving dividends from the net profit of the Company
* Other rights determined by the legislative acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Charter of the Company