08 November 2021

Social campaigns carried out by PASHA Life for the Homeland for a year

The country’s leading life insurance company, PASHA Life, which has achieved its business goals in excess, does not forget its responsibility to our country and society and always pays special attention to its corporate social responsibility activities.

Thus, during 2020-2021, the company’s CSR activities focused on the Second Karabakh War, and one of the main areas of focus was to support those affected by the war. It should be noted that PASHA Life employees joined the social campaigns on their own initiative and took a special place in material and moral support.

So, we present you the annual activity report:

“The business philosophy of PASHA Holding and, accordingly, PASHA Life is to benefit the state and society. Both the founders and the staff of the company consider it their moral duty to support the families of our fighters who were martyred for the integrity and victory of our country. For 44 days we have experienced both happy and sad moments, witnessed the great solidarity of our people. It is not enough to thank every soldier and officer of our heroic army who liberated our ancient lands at the cost of their life and blood. Thanks to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and our National Army, we are experiencing the excitement of victory today. For a year now, our tricolour flag has been flying in the liberated lands. However, we also experience the grief of the sons of the Homeland who were martyred. May God have mercy on all the martyrs!” - said Niyaz Ismayilov, Chairman of the Management Board of PASHA Life Insurance OJSC.

The company will continue to do its best to ensure the well-being of the families of martyrs and war veterans.

Karabakh is ours! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

Long live Azerbaijan!