Executive Board

Niyaz Ismailov

Niyaz Ismailov

Executive Board

Niyaz Ismailov graduated from Baku State University with Bachelor’s in Economical Cybernetics faculty in 2003 and Master’s at the same faculty in 2005. Mr. Ismayilov has completed “High Potentials Leadership” program of “Harvard Business School” , "Executing Strategy for Result” and “Leading Change and Growth” programs of the "LBS" UK.

In September 2006, he started his career at “Pasha Insurance” OJSC as an underwriting specialist. In 2009-2010 he worked as the Head of Reinsurance Department and further became the Head of Underwriting and Reinsurance Department in the same company. He was appointed as the Deputy Chairman of the Board of “PASHA Life Insurance” company in December 2010, as the first Deputy Chairman in January 2016. In February 2017, N.Ismayilov was appointed CEO in PASHA Life Insurance OJSC.